When you are excited about your holiday or contemplating that important business meeting overseas, you don’t pay much attention to what happens to your bag when you drop it off at check-in. It’s only if something goes wrong that you contemplate the complicated Baggage Handling System (BHS) that goes on behind the scenes. Read More »

Tagged Make up Points
Early Bags Storage – Why is it crucial for an efficient airport? Part Two

As Part One of this blog looked at the complex and lengthy journey involved for baggage at airports, in Part Two we explore the challenges of this process. How can airports improve Early Bag Stores and Make Up Points to create more efficient airports and a better passenger experience?
Early Bags Storage – Why is it crucial for an efficient airport? Part One

The storage and transfer of baggage is a crucial element of the efficiency of any airport, whether it is a large hub or a smaller regional airport. Using the experience we’ve gained from analysing and simulating baggage flows at airports such as GMR Hyderabad as well the research and insight providing from our forthcoming White Paper, Baggage Handling, we’ve looked at key parts of the process and how better Early Bag Storage can be put in place to improve baggage handling at airports.
The first part of our blog looks at the process of baggage handling, and how it is changing. Read More »