This month the AiQ Consulting team has welcomed Anushka Padhye, a Cranfield University MSc Management student who has joined us for three months to carry out an academic research study using real life examples and data. Read More »
This month the AiQ Consulting team has welcomed Anushka Padhye, a Cranfield University MSc Management student who has joined us for three months to carry out an academic research study using real life examples and data. Read More »
The pressure on ground handling procedures has never been greater. As airport traffic rises and passengers’ demands for a stress-free, on-time performance grow, airports and ground handlers must take steps to ensure that their services are effective, as well as cost and capacity efficient.
Damage caused to aircraft during ground handling is reported to cost airlines nearly $4 billion annually. Staggeringly, the total cost to the aviation industry globally is thought to be more than double that figure, according to a recent report by International Airport Review. To begin to reduce this cost to the aviation industry, IATA has recently introduced Ground Support Equipment (GSE) Standards that require the fitting of proximity sensing and warning systems to GSE. Read More »
There is a significant benefit to GSE Pooling for airports, where studies suggest that planning the use of a pool of ground service equipment for use by all ground handlers, instead of the usual method of individual ownership and storage, can reduce the space used in the apron by up to 24%.
What is Ground Services Pooling?
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