AiQ Consulting has been awarded a three-year framework agreement with Budapest Airport. In order for Budapest airport to continue to deliver excellent and compliant airport operations and aeronautical infrastructure on a daily basis, the agreement will see AiQ undertake airport process, demand and capacity assessment studies to gain insight into operational readiness and seasonal operational feasibility, as well as master planning and strategy to support the airport. Read More »

Tagged Airport Terminal
Enhancing efficiencies in your airport’s Baggage Handling System(BHS)

The efficiency of an airport’s Baggage Handling System (BHS) has a direct effect on passenger satisfaction and airport punctuality.
If your airport has complex baggage capacity issues, our team has the capability and experience to see the bigger picture; enhancing efficiency, reducing risk. We can identify efficiencies and solve growing challenges across your whole operation – from passengers and baggage to transit vehicles, ground support equipment and flights.
Why is Baggage Handling System efficiency is so important?
The Benefits of CUPPS (Common Use Passenger Processing Systems) for Airports
Airports increasingly utilise common-use passenger processing systems (CUPPS) for efficiency and ease of use, for employees and passengers. These systems involve using the same equipment regardless of airline, whereas historically each airline would have its own designated check-in desks and technical systems. With common use equipment, some (or all) airlines share this equipment. CUPPS (Common Use Passenger Processing Systems) was developed as a global standard to progress the use of this technology.
In our work with constrained airports worldwide, we increasingly recommend common use systems to improve efficiency and increase capacity, using the CUPPS standard to ensure integrity and useability.
Automated Bag Drop: How do one-step and two-step bag drop systems impact on airports – Part one

Check-In halls are becoming increasingly automated. Do you know your way around automated bag drop systems, and the advantages and disadvantages to each? These new technologies have a lot to offer airports but can also affect other areas throughout the terminal. As with any innovation, you need to look at the impact holistically. Take a look at our two-part guide to automated bag drop.
What’s the difference between one-step and two-step bag drop?
A Guide to Baggage Handling Process (BHS)

Do you know enough about how baggage moves through an airport? What you can do to make the process quicker and easier for airlines, passengers and ground support suppliers?
We have been working with airports worldwide to help them realise the efficiencies created by the introduction of an effective and modern Baggage Handling Process.
What is a Baggage Handling Process?
The Importance of Airport Passenger Movement

The movement of passengers through airport has always been of the utmost importance to AiQ Consulting and our clients. Whether it is realising capacity , improving check in processes and developing hold baggage systems, the flow of passengers is always critical.
And why shouldn’t it be? Without passengers, there would be no airport, and their wants and needs shape the way airports are constructed and managed. When we provide simulations to recreate a problem or offer solutions for clients, the data we use conveys typical human behaviour in all passengers. Read More »
What Impact does New Technology Have on Security?

Recent contracts have impressed on our team just how much of an impact that new changes in technology have had on security at airports.
Online check in, 2 step bag drop, and other hold baggage systems and baggage handling advancements have made the check in process much smoother and easier for passengers and airlines, but what does this mean for the security of airports? Read More »
Does the Aviation industry do enough for PRMs and their rights?
A great article in International Airport Review recently highlighted the definition of Passengers with Restricted Mobility (PRM) and their rights.
As a number of our past and current projects have looked in depth at the journey of PRMs throughout an airport, and how they must be considered when looking at capacity and passenger flow, we found this to be an illuminating insight. Read More »
From Check-in to Gate – The Journey of a Passenger Bag
When you are excited about your holiday or contemplating that important business meeting overseas, you don’t pay much attention to what happens to your bag when you drop it off at check-in. It’s only if something goes wrong that you contemplate the complicated Baggage Handling System (BHS) that goes on behind the scenes. Read More »
Introducing New Ways of Thinking for Hold Baggage Screening

Airports are under increasing pressure to provide more efficient Hold Baggage Screening (HBS). Whilst the space and capacity available to airports remains fixed, the needs of passengers and airlines are growing as the number of passengers travelling through airports rises year on year.
AiQ Consulting have been able to work with several leading airport operators and contractors in order to improve Hold Baggage Screening at some of the world’s busiest airports. Our experienced team, along with our bespoke modeling tools and stakeholder management skills, has seen us recognised as an worldwide authority in baggage systems.
AiQ’s Olympic Legacy

With more than 10,000 athletes staying at the village of 31 apartment blocks close to the Olympic Park during the Rio Olympic Games, there must be a fair amount of logistical problems for officials to face. Although the media doesn’t always hear about them, especially if everything goes to plan and there are no disasters, there will always be thousands of people working hard behind the scenes to make such a massive event possible.
This is something that AiQ Consulting has a lot of experience in! During the London 2012 Games, we worked with various contractors and clients to organise the Pop-Up terminal at Heathrow for the thousands of athletes arriving and departing London before and after the Games.
Is your airport ready for 2018? Changes to Hold Baggage Screening Standards
All airports and airport operators should be aware of the upgrade needed in order to comply with Hold Baggage Screening Standard 3, which comes into force in 2018. This framework, regulated by the ECAC (European Civil Aviation Conference), requires airports to achieve detection levels only provided by CAT (Computed Axial Tomography) type detectors.