Delivery at Heathrow – How could AiQ Consulting have helped?

We are in the privileged position of having a great team here at AiQ, and even more so when we are joined by new recruits that bring with them useful and enlightening experience and case studies. Adrian Stratta, who has recently joined the team, is one of those individuals. We’ve been lucky enough to get an overview from him of one of his recent projects, with an indication to where potential uplift could have been achieved had AiQ applied their tools and insight. …Continue reading…

Airport Operational Efficiency


Airport capacity is often stretched beyond its limits. One of AiQ’s Consultancy services allows us to view challenges from all angles, providing capacity solutions that the client may not have considered, and, offering insights that increase their operational efficiency without the need for additional investment.

Read on for case studies showing our holistic approach to airport capacity planning, and the results it can achieve. …Continue reading…

Download HiQ’s Free White Paper – Operating Food Brands Within an Airport Market


Our sister consultancy, HiQ, has developed an insightful free white paper, exploring the relationship between airport operators and retail concessions. This white paper combines their knowledge of successful operations in Food & Beverage Brands within Airports and AiQ’s unique understanding of Behaviour Modelling in Terminals and Passenger footprint in large airport hubs. This gives you the opportunity to get into the real data behind the airport environment.

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From BuggyOps to a Holistic Passenger and Behaviour Demand Model (Part Two)

Our Terminal Passenger Behaviour Modelling Tool, as explained on our last blog has given us a fascinating insight into airports. We often call them little cities, and this simulation has shown us just how similar they are. We can now gain far more detail into knowing where passengers are and what they are doing, at any given time. This helps us, and our clients, when considering capacity and demand forecasting.

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Understanding footfall in your airport

Food and beverage concessions

How to Maximise Revenue and Ensure a Quality Passenger Experience

Ever wondered how useful would it be in understand the footfall in your airport? To know where your passengers are at any given moment, 24/7? To understand their behaviour, their movements, and how to place your food and retail concessions to get maximum revenue?

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