AiQ Consulting have improved our simulation modelling services with the fast becoming ‘defacto’ package in the aviation industry, Sim3D. We are pleased to announce our team is now fully trained in Sim3D, expanding our current service offering for clients. …Continue reading…
As Part One of this blog looked at the complex and lengthy journey involved for baggage at airports, in Part Two we explore the challenges of this process. How can airports improve Early Bag Stores and Make Up Points to create more efficient airports and a better passenger experience?
The storage and transfer of baggage is a crucial element of the efficiency of any airport, whether it is a large hub or a smaller regional airport. Using the experience we’ve gained from analysing and simulating baggage flows at airports such as GMR Hyderabad as well the research and insight providing from our forthcoming White Paper, Baggage Handling, we’ve looked at key parts of the process and how better Early Bag Storage can be put in place to improve baggage handling at airports.
The first part of our blog looks at the process of baggage handling, and how it is changing. …Continue reading…
India’s aviation industry is in need of some fast-moving and efficient solutions to tackle their growing airport capacity problems. The region has seen exponential growth over recent decades, with the volume of passenger traffic trebling in the last ten years. In fact, the increase in passenger traffic between 2001 and 2011 was three times the growth that had been achieved in the previous 50 years. A similar increase is predicted over the next decade.
Most airports in India are coming within reach of their existing capacities, if they haven’t already, and the country urgently needs new facilities and airports to ensure that the network can keep up with demand. But why has India got such a constrained network of airports? And what can be done to ensure that capacity is not an issue?
Both Schiphol Airport in The Netherlands and Zurich Airport, Switzerland, have been benefiting immensely from the great efficiencies enabled from new baggage and security screening technology. Schipol Airport in particular is reported to be able to process three times the passengers through screening than they were able to achieve previously.
The new technologies that have enhanced baggage check-in use automation, one of the most beneficial advances in airport security screening and baggage handling that we have experienced recently. …Continue reading…
All airports and airport operators should be aware of the upgrade needed in order to comply with Hold Baggage Screening Standard 3, which comes into force in 2018. This framework, regulated by the ECAC (European Civil Aviation Conference), requires airports to achieve detection levels only provided by CAT (Computed Axial Tomography) type detectors.
Ground Support Equipment (GSE) is a hot topic amongst airports internationally, as more and more airports and Airline Operating Committees (AOC) choose to use the initiative to save on cost and space. AiQ Consulting has been advising and guiding airports, airlines and the ground handlers themselves to find the benefits of pooling ground services equipment whilst minimising the effect felt by management of the service. …Continue reading…
With aeroplanes increasing in size, and 38,000 new aircraft to be introduced into the global fleet within next 20 years (statistic Boeing July 2015), airports are beginning to feel the impact of larger aircraft on the apron and airside.
Airports must plan and prepare for the impact of new planes coming into the market, particularly jumbo planes such as the A380. For these jumbo planes, although the weight and size of plane does not cause stress on all runways (either in terms of size and weight), it does impact on all taxiways, parking, terminal space and passenger demand. …Continue reading…
From new projects to new services, new team members and new achievements; AiQ Consulting has had a fantastic year. We have surpassed our own expectations, and that of our clients, to what we can achieve for Airport Owners, Management, Airlines, Ground handlers and many other stakeholders in the aviation industry. As we wind down to the end of 2015, we thought it was time to reflect on our successes, and think about the ones to come in 2016! …Continue reading…
Next in our current series of Meet the Team Q&As, we talk to Nomaan Asghar, our Airport Capacity Analyst, about his role, the AiQ projects he is most proud of and what it’s like working with our inspiring and innovative team.
Any airport contains its own community, much like a small city. The teams of people working in such a fast-paced environment, whether they are airlines, ground handlers, retailers, security or management, have to work well together in order to achieve their goals and passenger satisfaction. …Continue reading…
We’ve been following the past experience of Adrian Stratta, our Senior Consultant at AiQ Consulting. Adrian has had a fascinating career and we’re very fortunate to be able to gain insights and further understanding from his comprehensive knowledge. In this blog we review his integration role at Menzies USA and notably, the adoption of a People Plan within the delivery. …Continue reading…
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