Top four priorities for airports and stakeholders in the next 5 years

The aviation industry is now four years on from the pandemic and airports and stakeholders have moved on from worries about demand with their focus now pivoting back to the long-standing issue of capacity. One of our priorities at AiQ is helping airports with the challenges this issue brings and consulting with their planning and operational teams so that they can effectively manage capacity issues over the next few years and capitalise on the return to and surpassing of pre-pandemic passenger levels.

So what will drive capacity over the next 5 years? Our observations are that the following factors will be significant:

  1. Passenger behaviour and trends
  2. Automation
  3. Biometrics and digital identity
  4. Sustainability and Net Zero

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Changes in check-in behaviour

We have recently conducted surveys of passengers arriving at check-in at a number of UK airports and there is a discernible trend for passengers arriving much earlier. Why is this?

We are putting it down to Flight Anxiety post-COVID and also related to Brexit.

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A year in review

Path to recovery for UK AirportsAs the financial year draws to a close, we reflect on a busy 12 months and also take a look forward to what the future holds for the aviation industry.

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Automation glossary

If you need a refresher of automation acronyms, here’s our glossary of terms which might be helpful.

The terms can be divided into standards and approaches.

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From Check-in to Gate – The Journey of a Passenger Bag

When you are excited about your holiday or contemplating that important business meeting overseas, you don’t pay much attention to what happens to your bag when you drop it off at check-in. It’s only if something goes wrong that you contemplate the complicated Baggage Handling System (BHS) that goes on behind the scenes. Read More »

Improving the efficiency of airport Check-In with new technologies


Improving the efficiency of Airport Check-In is a key concern for our clients. Not only affecting and improving passenger experience, introducing new technologies at Check-In can also reduce capacity issues and increase time spent at retail and F&B outlets for passengers. This is a valuable advantage for any airport wishing to grow profits. Read More »