• Managing the tender process for a new baggage system through to a successful conclusion.
  • Validating and assessing the effect of Early Bag Stores and Bag Drops using 2½ and 3D simulations.
Heathrow Airport Trolley Analysis
  • Analysis of baggage trolley movements to understand demand and space if capacity was increased
  • Undertaking a capacity assessment to augment capacity utilising the existing terminal footprint.
Heathrow Inter Terminal Coach
  • Modelling fluctuations and variations of activity at Heathrow to preview changes before they happen.
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  • Determine and develop airside traffic simulation
  • Supporting the terminal masterplan extension, by providing design input at concept and scheme design.
  • Contribute to the airport masterplan, providing the concept and scheme design for all baggage areas.
São Nicolau Airport
  • Providing capacity planning for a temporary structure within restricted space and budget.
London 2012
  • Predicting capacity and usage of a Pop Up temporary terminal to plan, simulate and organize facilities.
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  • Using simulations to prove a design worked effectively with traffic flows in the baggage hall and apron.
  • Assessing capacity for baggage offload, conveyor and reclaim against proposed designs.