Divya Nagaraju: Senior Airport Planner

Particular skills

  • Airport Business Management
  • Airport Capacity Planning
  • Airport Operations
  • Client Consultancy
  • Project Management
  • Stakeholder Management

Role in AiQ

As an experienced Senior Airport Planner Divya’s role requires a thorough understanding of airport processes and operations both individually and holistically. She works on a wide variety of capacity, demand and operational planning projects, undertaking the analysis and delivery of strategic solutions for clients.

As a senior member of our team, Divya engages with internal and external stakeholders to deliver projects in addition to supporting our directors. Divya provides client consultancy to scope, plan and create airport process models and solutions.


Divya has 15 years experience in the aviation industry and has previously worked at Yamuna International Airport Pvt. in India as Deputy General Manager. Divya has also worked on key airport projects in India, including terminal 1 of Navi Mumbai International Airport, terminal 3 of Delhi International Airport as well as the new terminal 2 development at Mumbai International Airport. She has extensive operational experience of brownfield and greenfield airport development projects as well as significant stakeholder management expertise.

Divya recently completed her MSc in Airport Planning and Management at Cranfield University. Her Bachelors degree in Architecture and subsequent professional experience as an Architect also enhances our ability to support clients with the architectural elements involved in airport planning.