For UK Airports to flexibly plan their operations to the changeable demand, they need to understand how the activity is changing month on month. AiQ has provided a clear vision of monthly UK airport activity to show the current situation as we lead to Christmas 2020. Our team have visually represented the Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) monthly activity statistics on ATMs, passengers, and Cargo to include the recently published September figures. The data used in our below graphs is based on 51 UK airports.
Air traffic movements (ATMs) September 2020
The total air traffic movement (ATM) graph above shows a significant 28% decline in activity since August to a total of 44,802 ATMs in September. This decline was to be expected since the number of new daily COVID cases started to rise once again at the end of August, to the highest number since mid-June.
UK Airport Passenger Traffic September 2020

The passenger traffic follows a similar decline as ATM’s with a 35% decrease in passenger numbers since August reaching a total of 3,451.962 in September. Passengers have lost confidence and ability to travel with the new government restrictions enforced during the end of August and September.
UK Airport Cargo Traffic September 2020
Cargo traffic shows a sight 9% decline in cargo traffic in September, not such a dramatic decline as ATMs and passenger activity.
Airport Survival and Operational Efficiency Planning
Tracking the above key statistics provides airports with a clear picture month to month on the impact of the changeable COVID-19 pandemic situation on flight activity. With the continued uncertain situation, it’s ever more important that airports look for operational efficiency opportunities to prevent further squeeze of profits and for the survival of their airport.
As operational airport experts and experienced business management consultants, AiQ has recently been advising UK airports on applying lean processes, operational efficiency savings along with other simple and practical ways to save money during this challenging time. AiQ Consulting was born from a previous successful management consultancy business and is well placed to help airports through survival from using our 33 years of multisector management consultancy experience. Read our ‘Above Wing’ efficiency savings suggestions and our recently published ‘Below Wing’ efficiency savings ideas to help guide your airport through this survival phrase.
Are you an airport owner, operator, service professional or product supplier who is interested in seeing the above data for your airport? Contact us and we can easily share your airport specific data in a visual graph for your own management planning purposes.